Archives for posts with tag: life balance

The Positive Revolution! 

Positive People.001

With recent events in the world headlines and of course the general ‘bad news’ that the media seem to thrust down our throats 24/7, it’s very easy to fall into a negative mindset.  But today, look around you and see how many ‘positive’ people you can spot?

Positive people are those folk that you feel good to be around, they have the ability to help you ‘be yourself’ in a natural relaxed state.  They can turn up absolutely anywhere, and may be the person that supports you when you are feeling down and joins in the fun when you’re on the up!  You may go to them for advice and appreciate their words of wisdom or as someone who looks at you and notices your strengths, when, often, you are completely blind to them.  Consider how many people you know that are open-minded, kind and caring, maybe even compassionate and generous in many ways.  Maybe they just have the ability to believe in you and inspire you?

I recall a story, from many moons ago, that a fish will only grow as big as its environment will allow it to.  If you keep it it a small tank, it will only grow a few centimetres before becoming stunted, whereas keep it in a pond and it can grow up to a metre in length.  How many times do we ‘stunt’ people by not allowing them to grow in the right environment?  Spending time with positive people, due to many factors, including their belief in you and their support will enable you to grow to your maximum potential, where the boundaries are endless. Just consider how good that will feel, giving you new ideas and new possibilities.  Choose very wisely who you mix with; you become like the company you keep!

Good people bring out the good in people

Who do you know that could tick the majority of the list below?

  • Someone who makes you feel good about yourself?
  • Someone you can totally be yourself with?
  • Someone who listens to what you have to say?
  • Someone you can talk to if you’re worried?
  • Someone who makes you laugh?
  • Someone who inspires you?
  • Someone who introduces you to new ideas or new people?

Now, you may just have one person in mind or several that tick a few of the situations.  The people you have on your list could be absolutely anyone, even people that you have never yet met, but these are the people to start to model yourself on, to ‘hang onto’.

Just start, over the next few days to look around you and notice the people that are there for you.  It will be no surprise that the more you mix and socialise with them, the more you will start to pick up their traits and characteristics.  Again, choose wisely!

In the very near future, small workshops, based on positivity and mindful awareness, are to be run.  Please come along and join us!  To register your interest, simply contact us via the email address and you’ll be one of the first to hear the news.

These workshops could possibly change your life, do you want to miss out? 

Contact us, under no obligation, right now

Richard Branson Opportunity.001

How many business opportunities are turned down on a regular basis (and life opportunities), purely because we lack the confidence to carry it out or doubt ourselves that we have sufficient knowledge or skill to undertake the task? Take the opportunity and use it as a motivator, to learn a new skill or increase your knowledge. Can you imagine how impactful that could be?

Next time an opportunity presents itself, grab it with both hands… and then go about increasing your knowledge or skill. Consider what resources you may need?

If this is something that you’d like to investigate further, then be sure to watch out for our forthcoming workshop, where the focus will be on making you a far more confident person than, perhaps, you are at the present time.

Contact us on 01277 821651 or simply email us on to register your interest.

On the 17th November 2012 we will be running a one-day Meditation, Hypnosis and NLP Training Day in Essex.

The day has been developed to give you a real-life, involved insight into the power of Meditation, Hypnosis, NLP and Quantum Thinking. The benefit to you is that you will be able to experience, first hand, some of the cutting edge skills and the technology that can literally change your life in a heartbeat.


If you were to ask yourself, ‘What makes me happy’ many people will cite material wealth such as the latest Smart Phone, or a trip to the Beauty Salon, yet these external influences on our life, research tells us, accounts for less than 15% of happiness.  So just what is it that makes us happy?  In the modern world the increase in world income and standards has increased significantly over the last 50 years, two-car families and a TV in each room is becoming more and more commonplace, yet depression is now ten times more prevalent than it was in the 1960’s.  There must be more to happiness than material wealth, wouldn’t you say?


On this training day we will teach you the true benefits of meditation and how it can have a positive impact on your health and personal well-being.  Indeed, the benefits of meditation are now so well scientifically proven that NICE (the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) now approve its use for people who suffer depression.  Additionally, another major benefit of meditation is that it can help you become more creative – surely a must for any developing business, together with reducing blood pressure and preventing strokes.  Think about this; it could add 30 years to your life?


Do you know someone who is ‘lucky’? Always seeming to be in the right place at the right time?  Would you say they are optimistic at all?  Optimistic people have healthier hearts, and optimistic people are luckier.  In essence, the fact of the matter is, that if you believe that you will be lucky you are actually likely to become luckier.  On this day we will show you how you can use simple, everyday techniques that will help you increase your ‘luck factor’.  That alone is surely worth an investment on this day, don’t you think?

You will learn how to use hypnotic techniques to hypnotise yourself, and others, as well as discovering a whole raft of powerful information and evidence as to how you can use your mind to literally affect your body in more positive ways.  Now, before panic sets in, this is not about mind-control or making people do things against their will.  Hypnosis is merely a focused state of awareness that allows you to communicate with your unconscious mind at will, ensuring you access and tap into the infinite, unending possibilities that exist inside of you, right now.

On the 17th November, you will also learn how you can use hypnosis to increase positive change in your life and the lives of others.  Hypnotic techniques are used every day by advertisers and sales people for example, to make you buy things that you don’t necessarily need or want!  Can you imagine being able to turn the tables on them to gain discounts or prices that you want?  How much is that worth to you, personally?

The skills and techniques that will be shown to you on this one day event have been put together specifically to help you make better choices and/or give you more of a direction in your life, and we have been doing this now for a number of years and have achieved great results for many people like yourself, so we are confident that you will enjoy and benefit from the event.

Think about this. You are probably reading this on your computer right now, so consider the following question – when was the last time the software on your computer was updated? Probably every day or week if you have automatic update selected, and it would be very rare nowadays for anyone to have a 20 year-old computer on their desk running 20 year-old software! If you did you would probably find that the computer runs slow (if at all), it is plagued with viruses, the software programmes you use regularly freeze and what you are outputting is possibly even totally incompatible with what people are using today, which limits your ability to communicate effectively with other people who are using more advanced technology.

Now transpose that analogy over to us as human beings. Many of us are possibly running outdated software in terms of how we think today. The ‘programming’ that we will have received in our distant past when we were younger may have been suitable then, but is it still suitable for the way you live your life today? Is the way you think today, really compatible with the output you want from your life for now or in the future? Some of us may actually be running 20 or 30 year-old thinking patterns and wondering why we are not achieving what we want from our lives. But if this was the case with your computer, you’d get it upgraded or replaced possibly immediately. So why not show yourself the same courtesy.

For further information and booking, please email; or phone 01277 821651