Archives for posts with tag: Marketing

New Beginning

How many people have asked you over the previous week or so…. ‘Do you have any New Year Resolutions’?  To which most people respond either ‘No’(!) or, ‘I’m going to try and lose weight’, or ‘I’m going to try to give up smoking’. Perhaps you may have heard ‘I’m going to try and get a new job’?

The part of this that always strikes me as odd is the word ‘try’. If you ‘try’ to do something, you are generally expecting to fail! ‘I’ll try and lose weight’… No, just do it! ‘I’ll try and quit smoking’… no… Just do it!

There is no great secret to it, other than a personal commitment from yourself to do so… and if you REALLY wanted to change something, why wait for the start of a new year, a new month, a new week?  Through many years of conditioning, the mind has learnt behaviour that says it’s ok to start again.  Think back in time to early school days, when perhaps a drawing or painting that in your opinion went wrong, was erased from your memory by a new, clean, fresh sheet of paper?  Who remembers getting that new, clean, fresh exercises book at school, where the first few pages had the most beautiful, carefully written text…. and then the handwriting degenerates rapidly?!

In virtually everything we do, business, sport, hobbies, life…. our mind likes a ‘fresh start’. But that is simply conditioning (or programming) and there are no rules to say that must be so. Break the rules, re-condition your personal conditioning.

Your mind will generally do what it thinks is best for you, what it ‘believes’ makes you happy… which is exactly why we all to often succumb to temptation! One chocolate, one glass of wine, one cigarette, one desert won’t hurt us, will it? But one soon becomes two, as the cravings inside your mind say to you… ‘See, I knew that would make you feel good’!

If you want to change something, the BEST time to change it is NOW. If you have to wait, then you are not fully committed and will more than likely fail.


Break the chain

Those of you that have goals for 2018, how many have planned those goals or at least written them down? What is it you want to achieve by ensuring those goals are met?

We have delivered many workshops in the past that focus on goal achievement, and recently there have been further requests for similar workshops. If you feel you, a colleague or friend, would benefit, then simply drop us a line, like and share this post and we’ll make it our ‘goal’ to organise a workshop.

So whatever YOU decide YOU want to change, make a commitment to YOURSELF to do so.

Have  great New Year, be happy in whatever you do.

Start Life.001


The ROLIS instrument took a snapshot of comet 67P/CG as Europe’s Philae lander descended toward the surface on Nov. 12, 2014.
Credit: ESA/Rosetta/Philae/ROLIS/DLR

So has anyone else been captivated by the recent events concerning the Rosetta Space Mission? I mean, just consider that the launch date goes as far back as March 2004, when a certain Mr Peter Andre was number one in the charts with ‘Mysterious Girl’! What was the point of the mission? To rendezvous with Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and undertake a lengthy exploration of a comet at close quarters to watch how it is transformed by the warmth of the Sun along its elliptical orbit.

Now, when you take into account, the journey to the comet alone would take over 10 years, that the mission was ‘put into hibernation’ to conserve energy and would be ‘woken’ at an arranged date when it moved closer to the sun and was warmed by the suns rays, that the comet was 317 MILLION Miles from earth and that the comet is travelling at 34,000 mph… to land a ‘washing machine’ sized probe (Philae Probe) is truly AMAZING! Already data has been sent back, including pictures which will give mankind even more information about our solar system. A comparison has been made that it was like a fly landing on a fired bullet!

Some will say… what is the point (when you consider that the mission has cost over $1 billion, but then, you can always argue… what is the point of anything, people will always have opinions and opinions are what makes the world go round! Whether you agree with the mission or not, you cannot fail to be impressed with the vision.  I mean… who would have ever dreamt up the fact of landing a probe on a speeding comet? (Well, we can all dream), yet who would have this dream/vision but actually have the commitment to see the mission through?

Too often, I, and no doubt you, hear that ‘This is impossible’ or ‘That is impossible’… and once the words have been said (even if this is in our minds, talking to ourselves) it gives us the right to give up.

If you are that determined, then this mission alone should give you all the motivation that you need to discover, whatever life may throw at you, that there is normally a way.  It may not happen instantly, it may take years of planning and there will doubtless be risks and potential problems involved.  Even after all the meticulous planning in the world, it is very possible that the outcome was not what was originally visioned, (as in the case of the Philae Probe, where it appears that the landing on the comet has left the probe in a crater’s shadow thus not allowing the sun to recharge the solar panels.  It is currently in ‘hibernation’ and will await recharging, when and if, the probe can absorb some sun energy).

Next time you have a dream, and people tell you it’s impossible… give them the Rosetta Space Mission Story!…. Just like the Philae Probe…To be continued!

Happy New Year everyone and welcome to Day 8 of our Twelve Days of Christmas. With the right training and the right attitude, anything is possible! Make sure your year is the best ever… ‘like’ our facebook page ‘follow’ our blog or tweet us @imduklimited