Archives for posts with tag: Self

New Beginning

How many people have asked you over the previous week or so…. ‘Do you have any New Year Resolutions’?  To which most people respond either ‘No’(!) or, ‘I’m going to try and lose weight’, or ‘I’m going to try to give up smoking’. Perhaps you may have heard ‘I’m going to try and get a new job’?

The part of this that always strikes me as odd is the word ‘try’. If you ‘try’ to do something, you are generally expecting to fail! ‘I’ll try and lose weight’… No, just do it! ‘I’ll try and quit smoking’… no… Just do it!

There is no great secret to it, other than a personal commitment from yourself to do so… and if you REALLY wanted to change something, why wait for the start of a new year, a new month, a new week?  Through many years of conditioning, the mind has learnt behaviour that says it’s ok to start again.  Think back in time to early school days, when perhaps a drawing or painting that in your opinion went wrong, was erased from your memory by a new, clean, fresh sheet of paper?  Who remembers getting that new, clean, fresh exercises book at school, where the first few pages had the most beautiful, carefully written text…. and then the handwriting degenerates rapidly?!

In virtually everything we do, business, sport, hobbies, life…. our mind likes a ‘fresh start’. But that is simply conditioning (or programming) and there are no rules to say that must be so. Break the rules, re-condition your personal conditioning.

Your mind will generally do what it thinks is best for you, what it ‘believes’ makes you happy… which is exactly why we all to often succumb to temptation! One chocolate, one glass of wine, one cigarette, one desert won’t hurt us, will it? But one soon becomes two, as the cravings inside your mind say to you… ‘See, I knew that would make you feel good’!

If you want to change something, the BEST time to change it is NOW. If you have to wait, then you are not fully committed and will more than likely fail.


Break the chain

Those of you that have goals for 2018, how many have planned those goals or at least written them down? What is it you want to achieve by ensuring those goals are met?

We have delivered many workshops in the past that focus on goal achievement, and recently there have been further requests for similar workshops. If you feel you, a colleague or friend, would benefit, then simply drop us a line, like and share this post and we’ll make it our ‘goal’ to organise a workshop.

So whatever YOU decide YOU want to change, make a commitment to YOURSELF to do so.

Have  great New Year, be happy in whatever you do.

Start Life.001

Welcome to Day two of our Twelve Days of Christmas. For more details of the fabulous new workshops designed and developed for YOU for delivery in 2013, simply ‘follow’ our blog; , ‘like’ our Facebook page or simply email us at
We look forward to hearing from you 🙂

What do the twelve days of Christmas mean to you? Well whatever they mean, take a look at the forthcoming posts, over the next 12 days for some insights as to what we will be up to over the next 12 months.